1. Choropleth Map: This map uses different colors and shading in order to identify the value and distribution of some property, typically a lighter color means a lesser value and vice versa
2. Dot Density Map: This map uses dots of uniform size in order to indicate the distribution of population, each dot represents a certain quality
3. Proportional Symbol Map: This type of map is used to demonstrate geographic data, it uses a symbol such as a circle in order to illustrate the value for a specific geographic area
4. Environmental Sensitivity Index Map: This type of map demonstrates 3 different types of information. First is the shoreline classification, then biological resources and finally human-use resources. The specific map I chose demonstrates biological resources which deals with oil spills and their effect on animals, habitats as well as plants.
5. Isopleth Map: This map simplifies data with a continuous distribution. It uses different shades of color to show regions where some quality is the same.